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My name is Aisling, I am the founder of Sparkles Haven.

Over the past twenty years I found an interest in mindfulness, connecting with nature, yoga & crystals. These interests support my own wellbeing and assists my personal soul journey and life purpose. My own individual practice enables me to develop a sense of reflection, my inner understanding and peacefulness.


Founder of Sparkles Haven

For almost 30 years I have worked directly with children, young people and families in a supportive, caring role. My working background began with my much-loved job role as a registered childminder. After several years in this role, I became an activity therapist for adults with differing abilities and/or mental health difficulties. I then spent eleven years working In Dunluce Family Centre as a LifeStart Family Visitor, delivering a Child Development and Parent Education Programme for parents/carers who had children aged Birth to 5 years. During this time, I also undertook the role of team leader.

In most recent year’s my husband and I became foster carers. It was our fostering and adoption journey which led me to exploring a more holistic way of parenting and engaging with children. I first participated in Mindfulness & Yoga Foundation Training to use at home with our children & grandchildren. I then chose to do the Professional Qualifications which allow me to facilitate Baby & Children’s Yoga, Baby Massage and Connected Kids sessions. These sessions are inclusive for all and I can facilitate sessions in large or small group settings, or 1 to 1.

I have a genuine love for working alongside parents/carers, families and children. I work with a heart centred approach, I am open, honest, kind and encouraging. I aspire for children to feel safe, recognised, joyful, comfortable and relaxed in all of my sessions.


“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”

Thich Nhat Hanh